From the Telegraaf (Dutch newspaper)
Sjoelen weer populair spel
door Jan Colijn
Sjoelen, het oeroude Hollandse gezelligheidsspel, is bezig aan een heuse comeback.
Het spel kampte met een imagoprobleem omdat het op moet boksen tegen computerspelletjes, maar het sjoelen staat weer in de schijnwerpers. Voornaamste oorzaak is een actie van de winkelketen Plusmarkt, waarmee kinderen hippe sjoelstenen kunnen sparen. Maar ook is de overkoepelende sjoelbond plots weer actief geworden. Zo worden volgend jaar - voor het eerst sinds circa 30 jaar - in Nederland weer de wereldkampioenschappen gehouden. Intussen is er onder scholieren zelfs sprake van een heuse rage.
As I mentioned before: the game of Sjoelen is gaining in popularity in Holland even among the youth.
It also mentions that the world cup Sjoelen will be held in next year in The Netherlands for the first time in 30 years.
If your average score is over 125 I would say you would be able to represent a team of US or Canada.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Other Dutch Links
Here are some great links, which might be of interest to you
The first is the Windmill Herald website, a Dutch language newspaper published bi-monthly in the US & Canada
The second is a blog by Carla Hester linking to many Dutch interest websites
Holland Ring
The first is the Windmill Herald website, a Dutch language newspaper published bi-monthly in the US & Canada
The second is a blog by Carla Hester linking to many Dutch interest websites
Holland Ring
The game is called Sjoelbak

Though we have lived in the US for many years we have been able to keep up some of the Dutch customs and especially the Dutch snacks and other foods.
One of these customs we maintained is the game Sjoelen; we always play it at New Year's eve with some good (Dutch) friends who bought it from a man in Canada who custom made these boards.
So I decided last year to order a Sjoelbak for my family (on the Internet) from Heemskerk Sport in Holland. This started a conversation with them, which resulted in us importing their boards and starting our own business: Dutch Games.
We have since ordered and received a couple of shipments from Heemskerk Sport and now ship it all across the US and Canada. It is now my goal to "convert" as many Americans and Canadians as possible to playing this game Sjoelbak. I believe because of it's timeless design and it's attractiveness, it will catch on in a great way. Just testing it with people from church, festivals & other places, it is obvious that those who have never seen or played the game, learn it quickly and actually get hooked on the game.
Check out our website: dutch games
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